three silver paint brushes on white textile
three silver paint brushes on white textile
red blue and yellow abstract painting
red blue and yellow abstract painting
assorted-color paintbrushes
assorted-color paintbrushes

How to Create Art That Sells

If you are an artist, you know the struggle of trying to make a living off of your work. You may have a great portfolio, but if no one knows about it, how can they buy it? Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to get the word out and start selling your art. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that you can create art that sells.


12/22/20222 min read

Choose a Marketable Niche

The first step in creating art that sells is to ensure that your work is marketable. What this means is that you need to focus on creating artwork in a niche that people will be interested in buying. For example, if you’re an artist who specializes in abstract paintings, you may have more success selling those pieces than if you create realistic portraits. The key here is understanding what type of art people want and then focusing on creating pieces within that niche.

Target Your Audience

Once you’ve chosen a niche for your artwork, the next step is to target your audience. Who do you think would be most likely to purchase your artwork? Is it young professionals looking for unique pieces for their homes? Or perhaps it’s business owners looking for office decor? Whatever the case may be, it’s important to understand who your ideal customer is so that you can tailor your artwork and marketing efforts accordingly.

Promote Your Work

Finally, once you have chosen a niche and identified your target audience, the last step is promoting your work. This can include posting regularly on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook as well as attending local markets or online events where potential buyers can discover your art. You should also consider setting up an online shop or gallery where customers can browse and purchase pieces directly from you or even hire you for custom orders. No matter what avenue you choose for promoting your work, the key here is getting exposure for yourself and your artwork so that people know about it and are interested in buying it!


Creating art that sells takes time and effort but with the right strategies in place, it can be done! Start by selecting a marketable niche for yourself as an artist then focus on targeting buyers who would be interested in purchasing pieces from this niche. Finally, don’t forget to promote yourself using various methods such as social media platforms or setting up an online store where customers can buy directly from you! With these steps in mind, anyone can create art that sells!